crossword puzzle in my heart : Happy Eid Mubarakkk :)


I'm having a crossword puzzle in my mind about myself. What should I do with my future ?
I'm blankkkk *taraaaa !
My heart told me not to love someone that not sincerely love you.
*Haha stupidd command idiot*

Okayy I'm done :) Happy Eid Mubarakk Day.
#Sorry for the long time without new entry. Keep buzying withh my work. LOL.

Here some sweetishh pictures on Hari Raya with my friends. BESTIE :)

*krik krik this is JOYAH haha

* BESTIE ever :)

#my sistahh LOL :)

: at my nanny house :P

Sincerely with lavya, Hinata wengg.

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